Ukrainian drama translated into 13 languages

We help directors and producers to find playscript of Ukrainian Contemporary Drama to save their energy and time to put it on stage

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Translated to: English
An adult daughter reunites with her mother after many years of separation. The mother left Ukraine back in the 1990s and...
1 M, 2 F
11605 words / 26 pages
209 Result(s)
Translator: John Farndon
Translated to: English
Reflection on the trip to Severodonetsk in the weeks before the full-scale invasion. Reflections on the catastrophe...
Monologue, 1 Act1 F
1700 words / 5 pages
Translator: Minka Paraskevova
This play is about the women in the actual hybrid war on Donbass region that Russian Federation began against Ukraine...
Donbas farewell monologue, 1 Act1 F
7236 words / 15 pages
Translator: Keren Klimovsky
Translated to: English
The play is comprised of 3 stories told by each of the 3 teenage protagonists, the inhabitants of a small, provincial...
teen thriller, 2 Acts5 M, 3 F
15349 words / 33 pages
Translated to: English
Hocus Pocus by Liudmyla Tymoshenko is a powerful reflection on the Ukrainian Maidan protests in 2014 and the subsequent...
documentary drama, Monologue, 1 Act1 M, 1 F
1645 words / 4 pages
Latest newsLatest news
20 September 2024
🎙️ Today, we’re thrilled to introduce the first star of the Ukrainian Dictionary of Emotions podcast—renowned American actress Alessandra Torresani. She will be lending her voice to How to Talk to the Dead, a poignant work by Ukrainian playwright Anastasiia Kosodii. 👉 Alessandra
19 July 2024
Inspired by the successful models of CITD’s (The Center for International Theatre Development, USA) LINKAGES programs in Poland and Hungary, LINKAGES: Ukraine is an ongoing initiative fostering enduring connections between US and Ukrainian playwrights. This program will bring
17 July 2024
John Freedman, renowned as the foremost translator of contemporary Ukrainian drama into English and the visionary behind The Worldwide Ukrainian Play Readings, conducts an insightful interview with Dmytro Ternovyi for a high-profile edition The Theatre Times. Ternovyi, a

About the project

Digital library of the Ukrainian drama translations serves to promote the national dramaturgy worldwide, the successful communication between the contemporary Ukrainian authors and theatres around the world, and to foster new creative partnerships.

Convenient search engine will help you find plays of the Ukrainian playwrights translated into the language of your choice, and generate the search by genre, period of creation, subject, text size, number of characters, etc.

Each text in the library has an ID card, a synopsis and information about the author and the translator in English.

Here you will be able to read big fragments but the entire text for reading, commercial or non-commercial use, can be obtained from the copyright holders whose contacts can be found on the first page of the play and in the authors’ profiles. 

The Library is founded by the Ukrainian Institute in partnership with Worldwide Readings Project and Birkbeck Center for Contemporary Theater. It is based on the global initiative funds of the Worldwide Readings Project and the Ukrainian Institute program drama on the move.

Website is created with the financial support of the International Relief Fund of the Federal Foreign Office and Goethe-Institut Ukraine within framework of the “Theatrical Windows. Work in Progress” – a project implemented by the NGO “Theatre na Zhukah”. Coordinating partner – platform UkrDramaHub.

Open structure promotes continuous renewal of the Library’s funds. Ukrainian playwrights are welcome to submit the translations of their plays via this form

Prior to publishing on the Website, quality of translations will be verified by the Expert Council: Lydia Nagel (German), Elli Salo (Finnish, Swedish, Slovak), Molly Flynn (English), Miloslav Juráni (Slovak), Iulia Popovici (Romanian) and Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun (Polish).