Igor Bilyts

Ігор Білиць

Bilyts Ihor was born on April 15, 1986.

Studied in Kyiv National University of Theatre, Film and Television Karpenko-Karogo.

Worked as an actor in Kyiv Theatre-Studio "Dyvniy Zamok" Director A.I.Ivanchenko.

Debut as a playwright in September 2017 "Gay Parade" in Drama Festival Ukrainian Play Week.

In January 2018 premiere of the play "Gay Parade" dir.  O. Dorychevsky, "Wild Theater". Kyiv.

In 2018 November premiere of the play "How to Steal a Horse", project manager P. Rusanenko with the support of the Renaissance Foundation. Kyiv.

In 2018 December "Prostitute" shortlist for the DramaUA Drama Competition. Lviv

In 2019, the play "Prostitute" was staged at the Theater Neft. Kharkiv.

December 2021 "Captive" shortlist for the DramaUA Drama Competition. Lviv.

Works as a director at the Maria Zankovetska National Theater in Lviv.