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3 результат(ів) пошуку
Translated to: Deutsch
The play begins with the European Football Championship. The border with Poland, which is crossed daily by a cigarette...
Tragicomedy, 2 Acts7 M, 7 F
15023 слів / 61 стр.
Translated to: Polski
The play begins with the European Football Championship. The border with Poland, which is crossed daily by a cigarette...
Tragicomedy, 2 Acts7 M, 7 F
12655 слів / 61 стр.
Translator: Serafima Kosacheva
Translated to: English
Early 90's. The USSR is on the verge of collapse. In Ukraine, a maniac specializes in strangling girls and young women...
Teenage drama, 1 Act3 M, 1 F, 3 K, Crowd
1007 слів / 66 стр.