4 Result(s)
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This play is based on interviews with people from different regions of Ukraine. These are stories of workers who are...
documentary monodrama, 1 Act3 M, 3 F
9855 words / 16 pages
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A narrator goes through the words describing emotions that have continually visited her ever since the war began: Fear...
Monologue1 M, 3 F, Crowd
5033 words / 15 pages
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A woman finds herself in a critical situation. She is diagnosed with cancer and goes reflecting on her life. She has...
Drama, 1 Act
1 M, 3 F
5459 words / 15 pages
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Skol is a former soldier returning from the war in the East, believes that only a military coup can save Ukraine...
A war-ning, , , love story, wartime drama, 10 Acts6 M, 3 F
4608 words / 12 pages