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110 результат(ів) пошуку
Translated to: English
February 2022. An old Jewish dentist is looking for evacuation from Kharkiv, recalls his military childhood and at the...
Drama, short stories, 1 Act1 M
1601 слів / 8 стр.
Translated to: English
In a text written in the first weeks of the war, the author speaks of the importance of calling everything - streets...
A war-ning, 1 Act
1057 слів / 2 стр.
Translator: John Farndon
Translated to: English
Dramatic monologue poem about the feelings of war and personal apocalypse of the survivor of the first weeks of Russia's...
Drama, 1 Act1 M
1928 слів / 6 стр.
Translated to: English
This play is based on interviews with people from different regions of Ukraine. These are stories of workers who are...
documentary monodrama, 1 Act3 M, 3 F
9855 слів / 16 стр.
Translator: Iryna Beschetnova
Translated to: Français
This text is about my February 24, 2022, the beginning of the war in Ukraine on a large scale, and in it: people's...
wartime drama
1139 слів / 6 стр.
Translator: Iryna Beschetnova
Translated to: English
First-person story of personal problems with a boyfriend against the background of the outbreak of war.
1242 слів / 4 стр.