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187 результат(ів) пошуку
Translator: Alex Borovenskiy
Translated to: English
A story of 3 Ukrainian generations in different periods of our history through monologues of a father, grandfather and...
Monologue, 1 Act1 M
781 слів / 2 стр.
Translated to: English
The text "How to Talk to the Dead" by Anastasiia Kosodii, translated by John Freedman with Natalia Bratus, is a...
Monologue, 0 Acts1 F
440 слів / 2 стр.
Translated to: Slovak
What can you compare the sound of a nail with which a coffin is hammered? When a ballistic missile flies into your...
monodrama1 F
1289 слів / 3 стр.
Translator: Serafima Kosacheva
Translated to: English
Early 90's. The USSR is on the verge of collapse. In Ukraine, a maniac specializes in strangling girls and young women...
Teenage drama, 1 Act3 M, 1 F, 3 K, Crowd
1007 слів / 66 стр.
Translator: Lydia Nagel
Translated to: Deutsch
The story of a strange relationship between people who met in a refugee shelter in rear Lviv. The main character, a...
Drama, 1 Act1 M, 1 F
3378 слів / 12 стр.
Translator: Riku Toivola
Translated to: Suomi
What can you compare the sound of a nail with which a coffin is hammered? When a ballistic missile flies into your...
monodrama, 1 Act1 F
1080 слів / 3 стр.
Translator: John Freedman
Translated to: English
An intellectual Jew, formerly a soldier in the German army, is on a train to Auschwitz, but does not understand the...
Monologue, 1 Act
1 M
1190 слів / 4 стр.
Translated to: English
In "The Sailor" by Oksana Grytsenko, a doctor encounters a burly, middle-aged man in a car emitting thick smoke. The...
Tragicomedy, 1 Act1 M, 1 F
558 слів / 2 стр.