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3 результат(ів) пошуку
Translated to: Polski
Austria, 2013 – a separate book (Hohe Auflösung). Published by the organizing committee of the drama competition “Talk...
Tragicomedy, Absurd, Drama, 7 Acts3 M, 2 F
13607 слів / 46 стр.
Translator: Rory Mullarkey
Translated to: English
One day a man went to the bank to pay off a loan for an apartment, got stuck in a traffic jam, smoked cannabis and left...
Tragicomedy, 3 Acts
14030 слів / 51 стр.
Translator: Lydia Nagel
Translated to: Deutsch
One day a man went to the bank to pay off a loan for an apartment, got stuck in a traffic jam, smoked cannabis and left...
Tragicomedy, 3 Acts
14030 слів / 51 стр.