
8 Result(s)
Translated to: English
In "About Russians" by Olena Hapieieva, created as a part of Theatre of Playwrights project "Why I Don't Want to Be Nice...
Absurd, Monologue, Postdrama, 2 Acts
4032 words / 8 pages
Translated to: Polski
Tetiana, a migrant, is coming to a so-called “republic” in March 2020 after 6 years of being away to check on her sick...
Absurd, 1 Act1 M, 3 F
4578 words / 19 pages
Translated to: Deutsch
What should you do first, whenever you meet a Ukrainian caretaker in a godforsaken Jewish cemetery somewhere in Poland...
Tragicomedy, Absurd, 1 Act
5 M, 2 F
10118 words / 46 pages
Translated to: Polski
Austria, 2013 – a separate book (Hohe Auflösung). Published by the organizing committee of the drama competition “Talk...
Tragicomedy, Absurd, Drama, 7 Acts3 M, 2 F
13607 words / 46 pages
Translated to: English
Austria, 2013 – a separate book (Hohe Auflösung). Published by the organizing committee of the drama competition “Talk...
Tragicomedy, Absurd, Drama, 7 Acts3 M, 2 F
17537 words / 44 pages
Translated to: Français
Austria, 2013 – a separate book (Hohe Auflösung). Published by the organizing committee of the drama competition “Talk...
Absurd, Drama, Tragicomedy, 7 Acts3 M, 2 F
16682 words / 80 pages
Translated to: Deutsch
Austria, 2013 – a separate book (Hohe Auflösung). Published by the organizing committee of the drama competition “Talk...
Drama, Absurd, Tragicomedy, 7 Acts3 M, 2 F
17113 words / 15 pages
Translated to: English
In Volodymyr Serdyuk's play "M" the man is trying to navigate reality. His reality grows from the memories of the absurd...
Absurd, 1 Act4 M, 6 F
5584 words / 17 pages