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185 результат(ів) пошуку
Translated to: English
A poetic monologue about the feeling of war in a country where war is going on. Text written for the Playwrights Theater...
Documentary artistic text
780 слів / 2 стр.
Translated to: English
Dramatic monologue poem about the feelings of war and personal apocalypse of the survivor of the first weeks of Russia's...
Drama, 1 Act1 M
3400 слів / 18 стр.
Translator: Anna Halas
Translated to: English
Amidst the chaos of an unexpected attack, a mother of three is forced to flee her country and begin a journey of...
documentary monodrama2 F
2589 слів / 9 стр.
Translator: John Freedman
Translated to: English
The text was written in the early days of the Russian invasion. The author lives in Kherson. She compiled a war time...
Art and documentary, 1 Act2 M, 3 F
2500 слів / 7 стр.
Translator: John Farndon
Translated to: English
The narrative can be spoken by a single person or divided into 9 characters if desired. At its heart is the ironic story...
Drama, 1 Act2 M, 7 F
7598 слів / 21 стр.
Translator: Rory Mullarkey
Translated to: English
One day a man went to the bank to pay off a loan for an apartment, got stuck in a traffic jam, smoked cannabis and left...
Tragicomedy, 3 Acts
14030 слів / 51 стр.
Translator: John Farndon
Translated to: English
Locked up in a morgue and terrorized by phone calls, two women are too radically interpreting their situation – from the...
Black comedy for the national theatre of tragedy, 2 Acts
2 F
6609 слів / 22 стр.
Translator: Evgeniy Markovskiy
Translated to: English
Christina and Vasyok are thirty years old, they studied together at the university and were going to get married a long...
love story, Tragicomedy, 1 Act
2 M, 1 F, 1 K
2 стр.