64 Result(s)
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Cats refugees. The "Cat Club" welcomes refugees. Cats and kittens who lost their homes due to the Great Tribulation live...
Comedy, 1 Act2 M, 2 F
4269 words / 21 pages
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What can you compare the sound of a nail with which a coffin is hammered? When a ballistic missile flies into your...
monodrama, 1 Act1 F
1619 words / 3 pages
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The narrative can be spoken by a single person or divided into 9 characters if desired. At its heart is the ironic story...
Drama, 1 Act2 M, 7 F
7598 words / 21 pages
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Internet conversations of four teenagers from Irpin in the first days and weeks of the war. A story about how children...
Drama, short stories, 1 Act2 M, 2 F
1984 words / 8 pages
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A woman waiting out the war in Europe attempts to make sense of what has befallen Ukraine following Russia's attack on...
monodrama, 1 Act1 F
2200 words / 5 pages
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"41 days" is a newly written monodrama based on documentary war journal entries made by the playwright Oleg Mihaylov who...
documentary monodrama, 1 Act
1 M
3311 words / 9 pages
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A poetic monologue about the feeling of war in a country where war is going on. Text written for the Playwrights Theater...
Documentary artistic text
780 words / 2 pages
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This play is based on interviews with people from different regions of Ukraine. These are stories of workers who are...
documentary monodrama, 1 Act3 M, 3 F
9855 words / 16 pages