99 Result(s)
Translated to: English
The narrator, a playwright, describes his day-to-day life in Kyiv beginning with the first day of the way on February 24...
Drama, 1 Act1 M
7958 words / 32 pages
Translated to: English
Internet conversations of four teenagers from Irpin in the first days and weeks of the war. A story about how children...
Drama, short stories, 1 Act2 M, 2 F
1984 words / 8 pages
Translated to: English
A couple and 2 dogs - Bangs and Squirrel - ride in the car to the countryside. The Squirrel is nauseous, the Bangs...
Adventures, 1 Act2 M, 2 F
2874 words / 12 pages
Translated to: English
In a text written in the first weeks of the war, the author speaks of the importance of calling everything - streets...
A war-ning, 1 Act
1057 words / 2 pages
Translated to: English
What can you compare the sound of a nail with which a coffin is hammered? When a ballistic missile flies into your...
monodrama, 1 Act1 F
1619 words / 3 pages
Translated to: English
36th Marine Brigade took part in the battle for Mariupol which went on for 82 days. The Brigade sustained heavy losses...
monodrama, 1 Act1 M
5907 words / 16 pages
Translated to: English
A poetic monologue about the feeling of war in a country where war is going on. Text written for the Playwrights Theater...
Documentary artistic text
780 words / 2 pages
Translated to: English
"Blackout? Make Love" by Volodymyr Serdiuk is a captivating piece that serves both as a libretto for a musical or rock...
The libretto of the musical, 2 Acts3 M, 3 F, 2 K
10829 words / 42 pages