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5 результат(ів) пошуку
Translator: Alex Borovenskiy
Translated to: English
A story that desperately wants to be told, Ukrainian journey in retrospect. Four Ukrainians: Sasha, Masha, Dasha and...
Documentary artistic text, road movie, Tragicomedy, 7 Acts4 F, 1 K, Crowd
7401 слів / 22 стр.
Translator: Yuliia Kovalchuk
Translated to: Italiano
The play "Borsch" is a story based on real experiences. The play consists of three novellas, all characters are people...
wartime drama, 1 Act3 M, 3 F
7562 слів / 37 стр.
Translator: Lydia Nagel
Translated to: Deutsch
Main character named Robinson (a hint at a novel by Selin) is going through the first days of war in Kyiv. His family...
Dramedi, 1 Act4 M, 4 F, 1 K
2340 слів / 11 стр.
Translated to: English
This play is based on interviews with people from different regions of Ukraine. These are stories of workers who are...
documentary monodrama, 1 Act3 M, 3 F
9855 слів / 16 стр.
Translator: John Freedman
Translated to: English
Main character named Robinson (a hint at a novel by Selin) is going through the first days of war in Kyiv. His family...
Dramedi, 1 Act4 M, 4 F, 1 K
2300 слів / 5 стр.