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20 результат(ів) пошуку
Translator: Minka Paraskevova
This play is about the women in the actual hybrid war on Donbass region that Russian Federation began against Ukraine...
Donbas farewell monologue, 1 Act1 F
7236 слів / 15 стр.
Translator: Yuliia Kovalchuk
Translated to: Italiano
The play "Borsch" is a story based on real experiences. The play consists of three novellas, all characters are people...
wartime drama, 1 Act3 M, 3 F
7562 слів / 37 стр.
Translator: Evgeniy Markovskiy
Translated to: English
Christina and Vasyok are thirty years old, they studied together at the university and were going to get married a long...
love story, Tragicomedy, 1 Act
2 M, 1 F, 1 K
2 стр.
Translator: Olena Dobrianska
Translated to: Română
The story of a couple from Lviv, Ukraine on the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion. A story about shock and...
wartime drama, 1 Act1 M, 1 F
1917 слів / 9 стр.