185 Result(s)
Translated to: Română
A text about the lack of love and contempt for life in a totalitarian state. Today, it is Russia. A play commissioned by...
farce, 1 Act2 M, 1 F, 1 K
2493 слів / 3 стр.
Translated to: English
A Ukrainian Soldier is near to dying. During his last Big Travelling, he finds a guy which decides not to help him to...
A black comedy for the theatre of national tragedy, 1 Act2 M, 2 F
2145 слів / 9 стр.
Translated to: English
Skol is a former soldier returning from the war in the East, believes that only a military coup can save Ukraine...
A war-ning, , , love story, wartime drama, 10 Acts6 M, 3 F
4608 слів / 12 стр.
Translated to: English
Main character named Robinson (a hint at a novel by Selin) is going through the first days of war in Kyiv. His family...
Dramedi, 1 Act4 M, 4 F, 1 K
2300 слів / 5 стр.
Translated to: Deutsch
Dramatic monologue poem about the feelings of war and personal apocalypse of the survivor of the first weeks of Russia's...
Drama, 1 Act1 M
1928 слів / 6 стр.
Translated to: English
Tragic and comic history of the Ukrainian village in the first days of the Russian occupation. While reading the...
Drama with elements of comedy, 1 Act1 F
1087 слів / 2 стр.
Translated to: English
A house of a mysterious family in a world lost in the mist. No one knows where the bombs are coming from or who is...
Fantasy drama, 1 Act1 M, 3 F
8933 слів / 28 стр.
Translated to: Română
What can you compare the sound of a nail with which a coffin is hammered? When a ballistic missile flies into your...
monodrama1 F
1582 слів / 3 стр.