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76 результат(ів) пошуку
Translator: John Farndon
Translated to: English
Dramatic monologue poem about the feelings of war and personal apocalypse of the survivor of the first weeks of Russia's...
Drama, 1 Act1 M
1928 слів / 6 стр.
Translator: Raluca Rădulescu
Translated to: Română
Dramatic monologue poem about the feelings of war and personal apocalypse of the survivor of the first weeks of Russia's...
Drama, 1 Act1 M
2554 слів / 22 стр.
Translated to: English
An old woman who lost her home due to Russia's occupation of the Donetsk region has been living the same way every day...
A collection of short drama stories, 0 Acts1 M, 1 F
2850 слів / 4 стр.
Translator: Mariia Silchuk
Translated to: Français
The brothers Yuri and Artem had a dream - to become legendary musicians. They formed a rock band and planned to record...
Family drama, 1 Act2 M
6458 слів / 21 стр.
Translator: Yuliia Kovalchuk
Translated to: Italiano
The play "Borsch" is a story based on real experiences. The play consists of three novellas, all characters are people...
wartime drama, 1 Act3 M, 3 F
7562 слів / 37 стр.
Translator: Evgeniy Markovskiy
Translated to: English
A woman finds herself in a critical situation. She is diagnosed with cancer and goes reflecting on her life. She has...
Drama, 1 Act
1 M, 3 F
5459 слів / 15 стр.
Translator: Roman Lymarenko
Translated to: English
Opera libretto, Mystery, 13 Acts
1 M, 3 F
10207 слів / 36 стр.
Translator: Lydia Nagel
Translated to: Deutsch
The story of a strange relationship between people who met in a refugee shelter in rear Lviv. The main character, a...
Drama, 1 Act1 M, 1 F
3378 слів / 12 стр.