185 Result(s)
Translated to: Français
In a text written in the first weeks of the war, the author speaks of the importance of calling everything - streets...
A war-ning, 1 Act
1185 слів / 2 стр.
Translated to: English
Stress and shock of the first days of war. Despite all that, a woman is holding on to a dream – to plant the apple...
wartime drama, 1 Act1 F
1320 слів / 4 стр.
Translated to: Română
Stress and shock of the first days of war. Despite all that, a woman is holding on to a dream – to plant the apple...
wartime drama, 1 Act1 F
1320 слів / 4 стр.
Translated to: Deutsch
Dramatic monologue poem about the feelings of war and personal apocalypse of the survivor of the first weeks of Russia's...
Drama, 1 Act1 M
3400 слів / 18 стр.
Translated to: Český
By February 24, 2022, the war in Ukraine has been going on for 8 years. This text is dedicated to its very beginning -...
documentary drama, 2 Acts7 M, 4 F
9277 слів / 21 стр.
Translated to: English
Our hero Hairy likes swearing, booze and singing in his death metal band. His new girlfriend doesn’t. A foul-mouthed...
Comedy, 1 Act5 M, 3 F, Crowd
9759 слів / 27 стр.
Translated to: Deutsch
A documentary about fleeing the war. A play commissioned by a grant from Philip Arnoult's Center for International...
documentary drama, 1 Act1 F
2072 слів / 6 стр.
Translated to: Română
What can you compare the sound of a nail with which a coffin is hammered? When a ballistic missile flies into your...
monodrama1 F
1582 слів / 3 стр.